How to Solve the Problem of Thermal Deformation of CNC Cutting Machine?

How to solve the problem of thermal deformation of the data when the CNC cutting machine is working?

Whether it is conservative flame cutting or advanced gantry CNC cutting machine laser cutting, it is prone to thermal deformation problems. Because CNC flame cutting is the use of high temperature to fuse data, it may be prone to uneven heating resulting in thermal deformation of the data, including CNC laser cutting. So if you want to solve the problem of thermal deformation of the gantry CNC cutting machine, it is still relatively difficult at present.

If you want to solve the problem of thermal deformation of the data when the CNC laser cutting machine cuts, you must first understand the cause of thermal deformation. Only in this way can the problems be solved. Everyone knows that the CNC laser cutting machine is programmed first and then cut. Therefore, when it is cutting, it runs according to the previously set trajectory, then the laser cutting angle and the temperature near it will be much higher than the local temperature of the steel plate. This easily causes thermal deformation of the workpiece.

When the gantry CNC cutting machine wants to cut a part with a large area, because the temperature of this part is close to room temperature,  when cutting, the speed of the laser cutting machine is too fast, causing the part to heat up quickly. Therefore, those parts that are too late to heat up will expand due to sudden heat. As more and more parts are cut by CNC cutting machines, the amount of thermal expansion of the parts will continue to increase. But the cutting method of current CNC laser cutting machine is like this. If you want to improve thermal deformation, it is still very difficult, and there is no guarantee that the problem of thermal deformation of cutting will be completely eliminated. But as long as more adjustments are made in the parameters of CNC cutting, it is believed that the problem of thermal deformation of the data during cutting can be minimized.

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