Reasons for No Arc of Plasma Cutting Machine

1. The input air pressure of the plasma cutting machine is too high

If the input air pressure of the plasma cutting machine is greater than 0.45MPa, after the plasma arc is formed, the airflow with excessive pressure will blow away the concentrated arc column, disperse the energy of the arc column of the plasma cutting machine, and weaken the cutting strength of the plasma arc.

The main reasons for the high air pressure are improper adjustment of the air compressor of the plasma cutting machine, excessive adjustment of the air filter pressure reducing valve, or failure of the air filter pressure reducing valve.

Solution: Check whether the pressure adjustment of the air compressor is properly adjusted, and determine whether the pressure of the air compressor is consistent with the pressure of the air filter pressure reducing valve. 

2. The input air pressure of the plasma cutting machine is too low

When the CNC plasma cutting machine is working, if the input air pressure is far lower than the air pressure required by the plasma cutting machine, it will weaken the ejection speed of the plasma arc, and the flow rate of the input air is less than the specified value, which cannot form the plasma arc with high energy and high speed, resulting in the problems of poor incision quality, impenetrable cutting, and slag accumulation.

Solution: Before operating the plasma cutting machine, you should pay attention to check the output pressure display of the air compressor. If it does not meet the requirements, you should adjust the pressure setting or overhaul of the air compressor.

If the air pressure input by the plasma cutting machine is required, check whether the pressure adjustment of the air filter pressure reducing valve is correct and whether the pressure display of the air pressure gauge can meet the cutting requirements of the plasma cutting machine. Otherwise, the air filter pressure reducing valve should be maintained to ensure that the input air is dry and free of oil.

3. The ground wire of the plasma cutting machine is in poor contact

The ground wire is an essential preparation for the work of the CNC cutting machine.

Failure to use a special grounding tool, insulation on the surface of the workpiece, or aging of the ground wire will lead to poor ground wire contact of the plasma cutting machine.

Solution: Use a special ground wire tool and check whether the ground wire is in good contact with the workpiece. Do not use an aging ground wire for the plasma cutting machine.

4. The cutting nozzle and motor of the plasma cutting machine are damaged

If the cutting nozzle of the plasma cutting machine is improperly installed, not tightened, and the water-cooled cutting torch is not connected to the cooling system, the loss of the cutting nozzle of the plasma cutting machine will increase.

Solution: According to the relevant parameters of the workpiece cut by the plasma cutting machine, adjust the correct gear of the equipment, and check whether the cutting torch and cutting nozzle of the plasma cutting machine are firmly installed. The torch of the water-cooled plasma cutting machine should circulate the cooling water in advance.

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